Tuesday, September 1, 2020

NZ local heroes

 We had the to do some research and find a NZ local hero. Once we had decide on these people, we had to give a summary of who they are, what they do and what difference they make. Because we have speeches at the end of this unit, we are practicing our public speaking. Each student has recorded their voice, reading this summary. We will re-do the recordings once we have worked on our speech delivery skills! 

Click the picture above

Keep checking our blog for the updated versions of our voice recordings. I'm sure there will be a big difference! 

Well done to Roseena, Teejay, Skylah, Kalivati, Elisha, Peuma, Noah and Akoi. 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Types of Words!

 Today our mini Google Meet task was completed while the class listened to me read a story out loud. As I read the story the students had to put words they heard under the correct heading. 

Our headings were: 

Adjectives - Describing words

Nouns - Names of things

Verbs - Doing/Action words

Proper nouns - Names of places and people 

Emotive language - words that make the reader feel something

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Lattice Strategy


Today we practiced our Lattice Multiplication Strategy again and here are our results. Some students challenged themselves to do it with three-digit numbers. Have a look and see if you can work out how they do it! 


Can you do this strategy with thousands? 

2345 x 3210 = 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Lattice Strategy - Double Digit Multiplication

 We have been doing a lot of work around multiplication. This includes multiplying decimals, double digit numbers and solving multiplication word problems. In our google meet this morning, I showed the students a Maths strategy that can be used for double digit multiplication. 

Here is some working from Kalivati and Skylah. These two caught on very quickly! Click the picture below. 

Can you try and apply this same strategy for triple-digit multiplication? 
Give it a go at home! 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Our Weather Writing Task

Click the picture below to have a look at our quick writing task today! We are learning about Natural disasters, so our quick write is weather themed. We had to write a blurb about the weather outside today without using the words RAIN or DARK. This practices to skill of showing not telling. We want to describe the scene rather than just state what you can see. 

We completed this in our 9am Google Meet session this morning. These happen every school day! 

Sunday, July 19, 2020

My Holidays

Our first post back is a simple highlight and low light post. Students were given 25 minutes to create their holiday posts. Let's see how they do! 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Google Meet

Today's Google meet! 

Incase you missed it: 

We took the Roll. 
Had a catch up chat. 
Played a Maths flashcard challenge. 
Learnt a bit about writing paragraphs and did an activity on google docs together.
Rashaan introduced us to his bunny!

Click on the link below to have a look at some of the awesome paragraphs we created together

Google meet session again at 1pm today!

Hope to see you there